
Virtual staff, also commonly referred to as Virtual Assistants (VA’s), are self-employed professionals who work remotely from anywhere in the world.

By hiring qualified and experienced virtual staff, Australian businesses can cut their wages in half. First reason for this, is that the Australian Dollar (AUD) is currently almost 12 AUD to the South African Rand. The second reason, is that nearly 35% of South Africans are unemployed.

This means that an estimate of 20.8 million people in South Africa are unemployed and/or unable to find work, of which a percentage of these individuals are qualified, educated and experienced professionals in their selective fields. This is due to certain sociology-economic factors, including, but not limited to, inequality.

The primary example of such factors is B-BBEE, which has been implemented by law for the past 20 years in South Africa. B-BBEE, focuses on black economic empowerment. In other words, people are chosen for available employment, not based on their skill set or qualifications but based on their race.

Whilst the idea of B-BBEE strives to create diversity in the workplace, it has seen many highly educated, English speaking, proactive and talented people, unable to find employment. Returning to the original query, why should you hire South African virtual staff? We’ve provided several reasons and justifications why hiring virtual staff is a critical element for expanding your organisation:

1.     You can pay attention to what matters

We know you’re busy and it can be difficult to focus on anything but work. Wouldn’t it be convenient to have the choice of concentrating on what matters to you, in life and in business and have the rest handled? If so, the world of virtual staffing is for you.

2.     Cost effective

Virtual South African staff, will not only significantly cut the cost of your wages, but in growing your online office it can also alleviate burdens such as office rentals, office supplies, or employee taxes.

3.     Company growth

Upon making the right decision by hiring South African virtual staff, you will find that the opportunity allows you to expand your company in a profitable and efficient manner.

4.     Flexible work schedules

These independent contractors can modify their schedule to fit your company’s needs. They can work freelance, full-time, or any combination of the two.

5.     Excellent performance

South Africans are very proud people, therefore they value both your business reputation as well as their own. They understand that performing poorly will compromise their integrity, as well as the integrity of your organisation.

6.     Obtain the top talent

Finding quality, qualified and experienced employees in Australia can be difficult. What makes it more challenging is that you never really know if they’ll be a good fit for you or your company. In South Africa, a large number of the highly qualified and experienced are unemployed. Thus, the talent pool for hiring the best person for the job is adequate.

7.     A rise in productivity

Your company’s productivity will increase as a result of this effective utilisation of time and resources with your virtual staff. Your current employees and your virtual staff can produce higher-quality work since they can all focus their attention and efforts on fewer tasks.

8.  Advantages of delegation

Delegation is one of many key perks of having virtual staff. By delegating work in your virtual office it allows you to focus on other business and expanding your roots while your current fort is being held.

9.  Enhanced client service

By growing your online office with virtual staff, your company is essentially able to provide 24-hour customer assistance. Virtual staff can answer consumer inquiries live online via a virtual number service, an online chat, or any other relevant piece of technology, in addition to using chatbots.

10.  Get online

With virtual staff, you enter the digital era with ease. Understanding and adjusting to these constant digital developments is essential for business survival. Virtual staff fill the technological gaps and establish your company’s reputation online.

11. A cultural match

With South Africa and Australia both being former British colonies, Australia is now home to one of the largest South African communities abroad. This is due to the fact that South African culture and language is very similar to that of Australia. South Africans and Australians tend to get along charmingly because they generally share the same principles and understandings, thus the interaction is familiar. This makes for a great cultural match.

12. Loyalty

As individuals and as a nation, South Africans are extremely dedicated, loyal and hard-working. Attributes that will without a doubt grow and favour your organisation.

In conclusion. At Smart Workforce Solutions we connect you with highly educated, extremely motivated and reliable staffing solutions at a fraction of the cost of hiring local Australian staff. What does this mean for you? Smart Workforce Solutions presents an opportunity for you to reduce wages by employing talented South African staff. Say goodbye to PAYG and super obligations and stop settling for underqualified and expensive Australian staff.